Cisco Vulnerability Management Search Terms

Cisco Vulnerability Management supports a number of specific terms that can be used to search through certain data in your platform. For search examples, refer to Simple and Complex Search Query Examples article.

Note: Keyword search terms look for an exact match, while text search terms return inexact (fuzzy) matches.

Below is a list of all currently supported search terms.

Asset Terms - combine together using any logical connectors

Syntax Description
Asset Locator Terms
asset_id:32716281 Search for an asset by its ID.
file:"project/dev/file.js"  Search for an asset by its file locator.
application:"TestApp" Search for an assets by application locator value. For more information, refer to Tokenized Search Tips.
fqdn:"" Search for an asset by fully-qualified domain name.
Search for an asset by hostname. For more information, refer to Tokenized Search Tips.
ip: Search for an individual IP.
ip:[ TO] Search for a network range.
Search for an asset by physical MAC address.
netbios:"INTERNAL" Search for an asset by netBIOS name.
os:"Windows" Search for assets by operating system. This is a wildcard search, which will match any OS strings containing "Windows". For more information, refer to Tokenized Search Tips.
owner:"Lee Johnson" Search for assets by asset owner.
priority:>5 Search for assets by priority. The search can be an exact score search (priority:6), or may use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
tag:"Web Servers" Search for assets by tag name. This is an explicit search that requires an exact tag match. Wildcard characters (* and ?) can also be used for partial matches.
Search for an asset by its URL.
external_id:1243443 Search for an asset by the scanner assigned asset ID.
container_id:abc123456... Search for a container asset by its full 64-character SHA256 container ID. Wildcard characters (* and ?) can also be used for partial matches.
image_id:"sha256:abc123456 Search for a image asset by its full 64-character SHA256 image ID. Wildcard characters (* and ?) can also be used for partial matches.
Asset Scoring Terms
asset_score:>610 This will search assets based on their Cisco Security Risk Score (0 - 1000). The search can be an exact score search (such as, asset_score:610), or may use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
Asset Date Terms
asset_created:<2024-08-02 Search for assets based on when they were created by a connector. The search can be an exact date search (asset_created:2024-08-02), or may use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
asset_last_seen:<2024-08-02 Search for assets based on the last date/time they were seen by a connector. The search can be an exact date search (asset_last_seen:2024-08-02), or may use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.


Vulnerability Terms - Combine together using any logical connectors

Syntax Description
Vulnerability Detail Terms

Search vulnerabilities by specific CVE identifier.

Note: Passing multiple CVE IDs surrounded by double quotes uses OR logic in the blank spaces.

For example: cve:("2014-0160" "2014-0161" "2014-0162") translates to cve:("2014-0160" OR "2014-0161" OR "2014-0162").

If you pass multiple CVE IDs without double quotes, AND will be used in between. The search will return any assets that have all of the identifiers associated.

For example: cve:(2014-0160 2014-0161 2014-0162) translates to cve:(2014-0160 AND 2014-0161 AND 2014-0162).

cve_description:"adobe" Search vulnerabilities by their description fields. This is a wildcard search, which will match any part of the description (for example, any vulnerabilities containing the string "adobe"). For more information, refer to Tokenized Search Tips
cwe:CWE-319 Search vulnerabilities by specific CWE identifier.
Search vulnerabilities by raw vulnerability name field. Wildcard characters (* and ?) can also be used for partial matches.
Search vulnerabilities by fix ID usually formatted as a Vendor Advisory.
fix_product:windows* Search vulnerabilities where fix applies to Windows.
fix_title_keyword:"Java" Search vulnerabilities by fix title keywords that are case insensitive. No wildcards needed. For more information, refer to Tokenized Search Tips
fix_title:"MS??-*" Search vulnerabilities by fix title with a fixed number of wildcarded characters. This is case sensitive.
fix_category:Database Vulnerabilities with a fix that has the category Database. This is case sensitive.
fix_vendor:openbsd Search vulnerabilities by fix vendor.
port:8031 Search vulnerabilities affecting the specified port number.
scanner_id:12345 Search vulnerabilities by scanner-specific finding identifier, for example, Qualys QID, Nessus plugin ID. Note that text searches must match the case seen in Cisco Vulnerability Management as this is a case sensitive field.
scanner_unique_id:12345 Search vulnerabilities by scanner-specific generic identifier, for example, Qualys QID for Qualys WAS. Note that text searches must match the case seen in Cisco Vulnerability Management as this is a case sensitive field.   
vulnerability_id:3217887122 Search for a vulnerability by its ID.
Search analyzed vulnerabilities by keyword. No wildcards needed.
wasc:WASC-19 Search vulnerabilities by specific WASC identifier.
Vulnerability Scoring Terms
scanner_score:>=3 Search vulnerabilities based on the score as determined by the scanner. Values are only populated/supported for Nexpose, Nessus, Qualys, and Security Center. You can also search exactly, for example, scanner_score:5
vulnerability_score:>55 Search vulnerabilities by their Cisco Security Risk Score (0-100 — note that this differs from the asset score, based on 0-1000). You can also search exactly, for example, vulnerability_score:60
Vulnerability CVSS Terms
Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 2 exploit subscore (0.0-10.0).  The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v2_exploit_subscore:4.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 2 impact subscore (0.0-10.0). The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v2_impact_subscore:4.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
cvss_v2_score:>=7.9 Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 2 score (0.0-10.0). The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v2_score:7.9), or can also use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
cvss_v2_temporal_score:<7.9 Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 2 temporal subscore (0.0-10.0). The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v2_temporal_subscore:7.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 3 exploit subscore (0.0-10.0). The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v3_exploit_subscore:3.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.  Includes CVSS both v3.0 and v3.1.
cvss_v3_score:>=7.9 Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 3 score (0.0-10.0).  The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v3_score:7.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.  Includes CVSS both v3.0 and v3.1.
cvss_v3_temporal_score:<7.9 Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 3 temporal subscore (0.0-10.0).  The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v3_temporal_subscore:7.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.  Includes CVSS both v3.0 and v3.1.
Search on vulnerabilities based on their CVSS version 3 impact subscore (0.0-10.0).  The search can be an exact score search (cvss_v3_impact_subscore:7.9), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.  Includes CVSS both v3.0 and v3.1.
Vulnerability Date Terms
closed_at:>now-1d Search for vulnerabilities closed within a certain timeframe. You must also select a vulnerability status of closed.
due_date:<2023-08-09 Search for vulnerabilities based on a configured Due Date. The search can be an exact date search (due_date:2023-08-09), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
fix_published:>now-90d Search for vulnerabilities with a fix published in the last 90 days. The search can be an exact date search (fix_published:2024-05-03), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
vulnerability_created:<2023-08-09 Search for vulnerabilities based on when they were created by a connector. The search can be an exact date search (vulnerability_created:2023-11-01), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
vulnerability_found:>now-90d Search for vulnerabilities found within the last 90 days. This time will be based on when a scanner found the vulnerability, if the scanner supports that information. If a 'found' time is not reported by a scanner, this time will be based on when the vulnerability was created in Cisco Vulnerability Management. The search can be an exact date search (vulnerability_found:2023-08-09), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
vulnerability_last_indexed_at:>2023-08-09 Search for vulnerabilities based on when they were last re-indexed. The search can be an exact date search (vulnerability_last_index_at:2023-11-02), or may use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.  This example is vulnerability_last_indexed_at after August 9th, 2023.
vulnerability_last_seen:<2023-08-09 Search for vulnerabilities based on the last date/time they were seen by a connector. The search can be an exact date search (vulnerability_last_seen:2023-08-09), or you can use >, < >=, or <= quantifiers.
status_changed_at:>now-36h Search for vulnerabilities based on when their status changes from one to another (open, closed, false_positive, risk_accepted).
not_closed_by_due_date:true With vulnerability status = closed selected, find which items were delivered late.
Vulnerability Threat Terms
active_internet_breach:true Search for vulnerabilities that match the Active Internet Breaches filter. This can also be a negative search (active_internet_breach:false).
easily_exploitable:true Search for vulnerabilities that match the Easily Exploitable filter. This can also be a negative search (easily_exploitable:false).
malware_exploitable:true Search for Active Internet Breaches that are exploited specifically by malware. This can also be a negative search (malware_exploitable:false).
popular_target:true Search for vulnerabilities that match the Popular Targets filter. This can also be a negative search (popular_target:false).
top_priority:true Search for vulnerabilities that match the Top Priority filter. This can also be a negative search (top_priority:false).

Search for vulnerabilities that match the Zero Day filter. This can also be a negative search (zero_day:false)

Important: The Zero-Day vulnerability number is visible for all users. Only users with a Zero-Day add-on are able to view the specific Zero-Day vulnerabilities.

Ticketing Terms

If you are using a Ticketing Connector, you can search for a previously created ticket by using the external ticket id saved on the vulnerability record.

Term Existence Checks

Syntax Description
_exists_:netbios Searches for assets that have data for a specific attribute. Valid attributes are: tag, os, ip, hostname, url, mac_address, netbios, fqdn, file, fix, and application.
‑_exists_:netbios Searches for assets that do not have data for a specific attribute. Valid attributes are: tag, os, ip, hostname, url, mac_address, netbios, fqdn, file, fix, and application.
_exists_:cvss_v2_score Searches for vulnerabilities that have data for a specific attribute. Valid attributes are: cvss_v3_score, cvss_v2_score, scanner_score, due_date, notes, wasc, and cwe.
‑_exists_:cvss_v2_score Searches for vulnerabilities that do not have data for a specific attribute. Valid attributes are: cvss_v3_score, cvss_v2_score, scanner_score, due_date, notes, wasc, and cwe.



Syntax Description
* Use asterisk for any number of characters - avoid if possible see  Tokenized Search Tips 
? Use question mark for single characters.


Date Operators

Syntax Description
now Current date/time (for example, "now-30d" would be 30 days ago)
#y years  (2y = 2 years)
#M months (2M = 2 months)
#w weeks (2w = 2 weeks)
#d days (2d = 2 days)
#h hours (2h = 2 hours)


Tips and Tricks tab

Invalid Syntax and Queries

  • Phrases (tag names, operating systems, etc.) must be contained in quotation marks. For example: tag:"High Priority"
  • Searches must be written with a supported search term (such as os for operating system). For example: os:"Windows 7"

Logical Operators (AND/OR)

  • Logical operators must be in complete uppercase. For example: tag:(priority AND production
  • AND means that an item must match both conditions to be returned in the results.. For example: os:("Windows 10" OR "Windows 11")
  • If searching via different search terms, only AND is supported. For example: cve:2020-1234 AND vulnerability_score:<80></80>
  • It is more performant to search for terms when you nest the values together. For example: os:("Windows 10" OR "Windows 11")

Application Security Module Search Terms

Syntax Description
Finding Detail Terms
cve:CVE-123 Search findings by specific CVE identifier.
cwe:CWE-456 Search findings by specific CWE identifier.
wasc:WASC-789 Search findings by specific WASC identifier.

finding_description:"SQLite mishandles certain SQL commands"

Use wildcards (* and ?) for a partial word, or quotes ("…") for phrases

Search findings by contents of description field.

finding_name:*Cross-site* AND finding_name:*Scripting*

Use wildcards (* and ?) for partial matches, or quotes ("…") for punctuation and more exact matches

Search findings by raw finding name field.
Finding Scoring Terms
severity:>5 Search for findings by scanner severity score.
Finding Date Terms
closed_at:>=2020-01-01 Search findings closed on or after January 1st, 2020.
due_date:<now Search findings due before now.
finding_created:>2023-03-15 Search findings created after March 15th, 2023.
finding_found:<2023-12-15 Search findings discovered before December 15th, 2023.



Search for findings based on when they were seen by a connector. You can also search exactly, for example, finding_last_seen:2023-12-13
status_changed_at:>2023-06-08 Search findings whose status was last changed after June 8th, 2023.


Application Detail Terms

Syntax Description



Search findings by application's name field. Use wildcards (* and ?) for partial matches, or quotes ("…") for punctuation and more exact matches.



Search findings by application's file locator. Use wildcards (* and ?) for partial matches, or quotes ("…") for punctuation and more exact matches.



Search findings by application's URL locator. Use wildcards (* and ?) for partial matches, or quotes ("…") for punctuation and more exact matches.


Advanced Syntax

Syntax Description
_exists_:netbios Searches for assets that have data for a specific attribute. Valid attributes are: tag, os, ip, hostname, url, mac_address, netbios, fqdn, file, fix, and application
‑_exists_:netbios Searches for assets that do not have data for a specific attribute. Valid attributes are: tag, os, ip, hostname, url, mac_address, netbios, fqdn, file, fix, and application



Syntax Description
* Use asterisk for any number of characters - avoid if possible see  Tokenized Search Tips 
? Use question mark for single characters.


Date Operators

Syntax Description
now Current date/time (for example, "now-30d" would be 30 days ago)
#y years  (2y = 2 years)
#M months (2M = 2 months)
#w weeks (2w = 2 weeks)
#d days (2d = 2 days)
#h hours (2h = 2 hours)


Tips and Tricks tab

Invalid Syntax and Queries

  • Phrases (tag names, operating systems, etc.) must be contained in quotation marks. For example: tag:"High Priority"
  • Searches must be written with a supported search term (such as os for operating system). For example: os:"Windows11"

Logical Operators (AND/OR)

  • Logical operators must be in complete uppercase. For example: tag:(priority AND production
  • AND means that an item must match both conditions in order to be returned in the results.. For example: os:("Windows 10" OR "Windows 11")
  • If searching via different search terms, only AND is supported. For example: cve:2020-1234 AND vulnerability_score:<80></80>
  • It is more performant to search for terms when you nest the values together. For example: os:("Windows 10" OR "Windows 11")


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