Toolkit: Snyk V2 Connector

Snyk Vulnerability Intelligence offers comprehensive visibility to open-source security vulnerabilities. It detects and provides detailed information about known security flaws in your codebases, dependencies, and containers.

For more information about toolkit connectors, see the Connector Toolkit.

Data, Identifiers and Findings IDs 

The Toolkit: Snyk 2 Connector brings in data, and its findings have multiple identifiers associated to them. When these findings are ingested, the findings ID is split, and then new findings are created for all the unique identifiers. This way the findings are separated, indexed and searchable.

Note: As of June 2023, all previous findings changed to a Completed state, and the new connector runs reindex findings. For more information, see the May Release Notes. If you are tracking a specific finding by an ID, you must re-point it to the new identifier. For more information, see the


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