Adding Two-Factor Authentication

You can enable two-factor authentication to enhance the security of your Cisco Vulnerability Management instance. Also known as 2FA, this type of authentication adds an extra layer of security to your account by sending a one-time verification code to any supported applications.

Anytime you sign into your Cisco Vulnerability Management account, you'll be prompted to add a verification code in addition to your password. 

This document assumes that you have already created a Duo account. Currently, Cisco Vulnerability Management does not support v4 of the web SDK for Duo. We're working to address this.

Note: Two-factor authentication is not supported if you access Cisco Vulnerability Management using a single-sign on (SSO) method. If you use SSO, see our article on SAML configuration.

Setup 2FA in Duo

1. In your Duo account, navigate to Applications > New Application.

2. Select Web SDK.

3. Enter a name.

4. Take note of the API Endpoint, Integration Key, and the Secret Key.

5. In the Username normalization section, select Simple


6. Click Save.

7. To add each individual user in your Cisco Vulnerability Management instance to Duo. in the left-hand tab, select Users > New User, and enter each new user's information.

Note: The Duo username needs to match the prefix of the email address used in your Cisco Vulnerability Management client (for example, "john" in Duo would map to "").


Set up 2FA in Cisco Vulnerability Management:

1. In your Cisco Vulnerability Management instance, click the settings icon (Settings-icon.png) and select 2FA (Two-Factor Auth).

2. On the Settings screen, enter the API endpoint, Integration key and Secret Key from Duo.

3. Click Save.


Use 2FA

When you sign into your Cisco Vulnerability Management instance, you will be prompted to verify authentication using your preferred validation method (such as a push).



How is 2FA enabled, on the client-level or user level?

2FA is currently available on the client-level for your organization. 


I know there are several 2FA services. Which services does Cisco Vulnerability Management support?

At this time, Cisco Vulnerability Management only supports 2FA through Duo Security.

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