Stacks is an Application Security Module offering that allows users to group and organize their applications and risk groups into single combined views. There is a set of APIs that handles the basic Create, Read, Show and Update functions for users to programmatically interact with Stacks. For more information, refer to the API endpoints here.
You can create a stack to pair applications and risk groups into a single view. You can create as many stacks as you would like to compare and contrast different stacks performance and risk. Risk groups and applications can be added to different stacks multiple times.
The Stack card above shows the average scores of the risk groups and applications included in the stack. It also shows how many risk groups and applications are included in each grouping.
Create a Stack
1. Click Application Security Module > Stacks.
2. Click Add Stack.
3. In the Create Stack window, add a Name, the risk groups that you want to include, and the applications that you want to include in the stack.
4. Click Create Stack.
Note: When you successfully create a stack, a banner message displays at the top of the screen.
Edit a Stack
1. Hover over the stack that you want to edit.
2. Click the down arrow.
3. Click Edit Stack.
4. Make your edits.
5. Click Save Edits to Stack.
Delete a Stack
1. Hover over the stack that you want to delete.
2. Click the down arrow.
3. Click Delete Stack.
4. In the Delete Stack confirmation window, click Confirm.
Important: This action cannot be undone.
Card View vs Detail View
There are two different viewing options in Stacks.
Card View
Stacks will appear in a card view similar to Vulnerability Management Dashboard. Each stack card will summarize risk groups and applications scores.
Detail View
Clicking on the name of the stack or the View Stack button will take you to the individual stack view. Each individual stack has its own summary near the top of the page, that includes the overall score of the scoped stack’s risk groups, and the overall score of the scoped stack’s applications.
Edits and deletion can be done from this view too. Hovering over the selected stack name will show “Edit” and “Delete” options as a pencil and trashcan respectively.
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