Data Importer (JSON Connector)

The Data Importer is a connector that ingests a standard JSON format for bringing vulnerability data into Cisco Vulnerability Management. It is a collection of assets and their vulnerabilities/findings, as well as vulnerability definitions for those vulnerabilities/findings. Before you configure your Data Importer Connector, you have to first create a Data Importer JSON formatted file.

Data Importer JSON FORMAT

Currently, there are two Data Importer formats. In Version 1, the scanner identifier was used to create a connection between scanner vulnerabilities and vulnerability definitions.  Version 2 was created to provide a more natural easily understood human readable connection between scanner vulnerability definitions and the vulnerability definitions.  

Note: Currently, there is no date set to end support of Version 1.

Data Importer JSON Format Version 2

Changes from Version 1

A new required vuln_def_name field has been added to the vulnerability and findings sections.  The name field in the vuln_def section is now required and matches the vul_def_name. This creates a unique composite key using scanner_type and vuln_def_name. A new top-level version field has been added and the value is 2. The new fields are highlighted below.

Data Importer Info

Field Type Required Description
skip_autoclose boolean Yes If true, suppresses the closing of vulnerabilities missing from assets in this payload.
version integer Yes The version of the Data Importer format. The value should be '2'.
reset_tags boolean No

Used to determine if ALL tags should be wiped from an asset before the tags defined in the Data Importer upload files are applied.

  • As an example, set this parameter to true if tags frequently change for a Data Importer asset
  • Tags are additive-only if this parameter is not listed in the Data Importer or if it is set to false. 
  • Caution: If true, all tags will be removed from the matching asset regardless of source. If an asset has tags both from a Data Importer and scanner connector, the scanner connector would need to run again before the scanner tags would be regenerated. 
assets [asset] Yes Contains all the asset information.
vuln_defs [vuln_def] Yes Contains all the CVE or CWE vulnerabilities.


Field Type Required Description

file, ip_address, mac_address, hostname, ec2, netbios, url, fqdn, image_id, container_id, external_id, database

locator_field At least one See locator field for more details on each field.
application string


This is the application identifier or name from the scanner perspective. It is required if url or file are used as primary locator. This field allows findings to be assigned to Applications in Cisco Vulnerability Management.
tags [string]


An array of strings that correspond to tags on an asset.
owner string


The owner of the asset.
os string


The operating system of the asset.
os_version string


Version of the asset's operating system.
priority integer


[0..10] Defaults to 10, which is recommended unless you have a documented risk appetite for assets. This field is used to adjust the asset score.
asset_type string


Only string values of “container” or “image” are accepted. This field is required only when you usie the “container_id” or “image_id” locators.
last_seen_at string


ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the asset was last observed.
vulns [vuln]


Array of vulnerabilities.  If an asset contains no open vulnerabilities this can be an empty array, but to avoid vulnerabilities from being closed, use the skip_autoclose flag.

findings [finding]


Contains all the findings information.


Field Type Required Description
file string At least one Path of the affected file.
ip_address string At least one IP address of the internal facing asset.
mac_address string At least one MAC address of the asset.
hostname string At least one Host name of the affected asset.
ec2 string At least one Amazon EC2 instance ID or name.
netbios string At least one NetBIOS name.
url string At least one URL pointing to the asset.
fqdn string

At least one

Fully qualified domain name of affected asset.
image_id string

At least one

Generally the SHA identifier of the image. Must be paired with asset_type field. Must be paired with asset_type field. Custom Locator Orders must be modified to include this field in order for it to be imported. 
container_id string

At least one

Generally the SHA identifier of the container. Must be paired with asset_type field. Custom Locator Orders must be modified to include this field in order for it to be imported. 
external_id string

At least one

External ID of the asset. This is often used as an internal organizational tracking name for the asset.
database string

At least one

Database name.


Field Type Required Description
scanner_identifier string Yes Uniquely identifies data coming from a scanner.
scanner_type string Yes Identifies the scanner the data came from. Paired with scanner_identifier (see above). 
scanner_score integer Yes

Score given by the scanner. [0..10] Used for scoring in some cases where the Cisco Vulnerability Management algorithm is not used. Normalized to a Cisco Vulnerability Management Risk Score by multiplying x 10. 

override_score integer   The risk score [0..100] for an informational vulnerability.
created_at string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was first found by the scanner. Defaults to current date if not provided.
last_seen_at string Yes ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was last observed.
last_fixed_on string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was last fixed.
status string Yes Vulnerability remediation status. Valid values are: "open", and "closed".  If skip_autoclose is set to false, open vulnerabilities that already exist in Cisco Vulnerability Management will be closed and this field changes from "open" to "closed". If any status value other than “open” or “closed” is provided, the status will be set to “closed”. To provide a different status, users must manually set the status via the UI or API.
details string No Contains all the findings information.
port integer   Port that the vulnerability is referring to.
vuln_def_name string Yes The name of the vulnerability definition.  The name of the vulnerability definition. Matches the name field in vuln_def section.


Field Type Required Description
scanner_identifier string Yes Uniquely identifies data coming from a scanner.
scanner_type string Yes Identifies the scanner the data came from. Paired with scanner_identifier (see above). 
created_at string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was first found by the scanner. Defaults to current date if not provided.
due_date string   ISO8601 timestamp. Indicates when find is due to be remediated.
last_seen_at string Yes ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was last observed.
severity integer   Score given by the scanner. [0..10] Used for scoring. Normalized to a Cisco Vulnerability Management Risk Score by multiplying x 10. 
triage_state string  

Possible values are: "new", "in_progress", "triaged", "resolved", "false_positive", "risk_accepted", "duplicate", "not_a_security_issue".

If skip_autoclose is set to false, open vulnerabilities that already exist in Cisco Vulnerability Management will be closed and this field changes status to resolved. This field defaults to "new" if no status is provided.

additional_fields []  

Array of hash objects with the field name being the key and value being the desired information to pass any scanner-specific fields about the finding.

vuln_def_name string Yes

The name of the vulnerability definition. Matches the name field in vuln_def section.


Field Type Required Description
scanner_type string Yes Identifies the scanner the data came from. Paired with scanner_identifier to form a unique key (see above). 
cve_identifiers string   Comma delimited list with format CVE-000-0000. Only one set of identifiers will be saved per vuln_def.
wasc_identifiers string   Comma delimited list with format WASC-00. Only one set of identifiers will be saved per vuln_def.
cwe_identifiers string   Comma delimited list with format CWE-000. Only one set of identifiers will be saved per vuln_def.
name string Yes Title or short name of the vulnerability and is used with scanner_type as a key.  This name matches the vul_def_name field in vuln/finding sections.
description string  

Full description of the vulnerability.


  • If the value of the field is blank, a blank description is displayed in Cisco Vulnerability Management.
  • If the field is omitted entirely, a default value of "No description was provided" is substituted.
  • If either a description or name is not provided, the vulnerability is created as a generic "Informational" vulnerability. The substituted value is sufficient to avoid this.
solution string   Steps or links for remediation.


Data Importer Version 2 Example

Here is an example of a minimal generated Data Importer version 2 file that is ready to import into Cisco Vulnerability Management.

  "skip_autoclose": false,
  "version": 2,
  "assets": [
      "file": "app/models/data_access/asset.rb",
"external_id": "123", "application": "conduit", "priority": 0, "vulns": [ { "scanner_identifier": 16, "vuln_def_name": "File Access", "scanner_type": "Brakeman", "created_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "last_seen_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "due_date": "2018-06-02T00:00:00+00:00", "status": "open", "details": "foobar", "last_fixed_on": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "scanner_score": 2, "override_score": 3 } ], "findings": [ { "scanner_identifier": 16, "vuln_def_name": "File Access", "scanner_type": "Brakeman", "created_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "last_seen_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "due_date": "2018-06-02T00:00:00+00:00", "triage_state": "new", "last_fixed_on": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "severity": 2, "override_score": 3, "additional_fields": { "test_field": "test data" } } ] }, { "file": "app/controllers/clients_controller.rb", "application": "conduit", "vulns": [ { "scanner_identifier": 10, "vuln_def_name": "Auth Blacklist", "scanner_type": "Qualsys", "created_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "last_seen_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "last_fixed_on": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "scanner_score": 2, "override_score": 3, "status": "open" } ], "findings": [ { "scanner_identifier": 10, "vuln_def_name": "Auth Blacklist", "scanner_type": "Qualsys", "created_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "last_seen_at": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "last_fixed_on": "2018-05-03T00:00:00+00:00", "scanner_score": 2, "override_score": 3, "status": "false_positive", "additional_fields": { "test_field": "test data" } } ] } ], "vuln_defs": [ { "name": "File Access", "scanner_type": "Brakeman", "wasc_identifiers": "WASC-17", "solution": "Fix it!" }, { "name": "Auth Blacklist", "scanner_type": "Qualsys", "wasc_identifiers": "WASC-15" } ] }

Data Importer JSON FORMAT Version 1

Note: Currently, there is no date set to end support of Version 1.

Data Importer Info

Field Type Required Description
skip_autoclose boolean Yes If true, suppresses the closing of vulnerabilities missing from assets in this payload.
reset_tags boolean No

Used to determine if ALL tags should be wiped from an asset before the tags defined in the Data Importer upload files are applied.

  • As an example, set this parameter to true if tags frequently change for a Data Importer asset
  • Tags are additive-only if this parameter is not listed in the Data Importer or if it is set to false. 
  • Caution: If true, all tags will be removed from the matching asset regardless of source. If an asset has tags both from a Data Importer and scanner connector, the scanner connector would need to run again before the scanner tags would be regenerated. 
assets [asset] Yes Contains all the asset information.
vuln_defs [vuln_def] Yes Contains all the CVE or CWE vulnerabilities.


Field Type Required Description

file, ip_address, mac_address, hostname, ec2, netbios, url, fqdn, image_id, container_id, external_id, database

locator_field At least one See locator field for more details on each field.
application string


This is the application identifier or name from the scanner perspective. It is required if url or file are used as primary locator. This field allows findings to be assigned to Applications in Cisco Vulnerability Management.
tags [string]


An array of strings that correspond to tags on an asset.
owner string


The owner of the asset.
os string


The operating system of the asset.
os_version string


Version of the asset's operating system.
priority integer


[0..10] Defaults to 10, which is recommended unless you have a documented risk appetite for assets. This field is used to adjust the asset score.
asset_type string


Value of either "image" or "container" required if image_id or container_id used as locators. 
vulns [vuln]


Array of vulnerabilities.  If an asset contains no open vulnerabilities this can be an empty array, but to avoid vulnerabilities from being closed, use the skip_autoclose flag.

findings [finding]


Contains all the findings information.


Field Type Required Description
file string At least one Path of the affected file.
ip_address string At least one IP address of the internal facing asset.
mac_address string At least one MAC address of the asset.
hostname string At least one Host name of the affected asset.
ec2 string At least one Amazon EC2 instance ID or name.
netbios string At least one NetBIOS name.
url string At least one URL pointing to the asset.
fqdn string

At least one

Fully qualified domain name of affected asset.
image_id string

At least one

Generally the SHA identifier of the image. Must be paired with asset_type field. Must be paired with asset_type field. Custom Locator Orders must be modified to include this field in order for it to be imported. 
container_id string

At least one

Generally the SHA identifier of the container. Must be paired with asset_type field. Must be paired with asset_type field. Custom Locator Orders must be modified to include this field in order for it to be imported. 
external_id string

At least one

External ID of the asset. This is often used as an internal organizational tracking name for the asset.
database string

At least one

Database name.


Field Type Required Description
scanner_identifier string Yes Each unique scanner_identifier will need a corresponding entry in the vuln_defs section below, this typically should be the external identifier used by your scanner. Used to identify the unique data coming in from the scanner named in scanner_type. scanner_identifier is combined with scanner_type for form a unique key. The 2 keys are listed with each vuln/finding under asset and then listed again as a matching pair in the vuln_defs section along with additional information. 
scanner_type string Yes Identifies the scanner the data came from. Paired with scanner_identifier (see above). 
scanner_score integer Yes

Score given by the scanner. [0..10] Used for scoring in some cases where the Cisco Vulnerability Management algorithm is not used. Normalized to a Cisco Vulnerability Management Risk Score by multiplying x 10. 

override_score integer   The risk score [0..100] for an informational vulnerability.
created_at string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was first found by the scanner. Defaults to current date if not provided.
last_seen_at string Yes ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was last observed.
last_fixed_on string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was last fixed.
status string Yes Vulnerability remediation status. Valid values are: "open", and "closed".  If skip_autoclose is set to false, open vulnerabilities that already exist in Cisco Vulnerability Management will be closed and this field changes from "open" to "closed". If any status value other than “open” or “closed” is provided, the status will be set to “closed”. To provide a different status, users must manually set the status via the UI or API.
port integer   Port that the vulnerability is referring to.


Field Type Required Description
scanner_identifier string Yes Each unique scanner_identifier will need a corresponding entry in the vuln_defs section below, this typically should be the external identifier used by your scanner. Used to identify the unique data coming in from the scanner named in scanner_type. scanner_identifier is combined with scanner_type for form a unique key. The 2 keys are listed with each vuln/finding under asset and then listed again as a matching pair in the vuln_defs section along with additional information. 
scanner_type string Yes Identifies the scanner the data came from. Paired with scanner_identifier (see above). 
created_at string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was first found by the scanner. Defaults to current date if not provided.
due_date string   ISO8601 timestamp. Indicates when find is due to be remediated.
last_seen_at string   ISO8601 timestamp indicating when the vulnerability was last observed.
severity integer   Score given by the scanner. [0..10] Used for scoring. Normalized to a Cisco Vulnerability Management Risk Score by multiplying x 10. 
triage_state string  

Possible values are: "new", "in_progress", "triaged", "resolved", "false_positive", "risk_accepted", "duplicate", "not_a_security_issue".

If skip_autoclose is set to false, open vulnerabilities that already exist in Cisco Vulnerability Management will be closed and this field changes status to resolved. This field defaults to "new" if no status is provided.

additional_fields []  

Array of hash objects with the field name being the key and value being the desired information to pass any scanner-specific fields about the finding.


Field Type Required Description
scanner_identifier string Yes Each unique scanner identifier will need a corresponding entry in the vuln/finding sections. This typically should be the external identifier used by your scanner. scanner_identifier is combined with scanner_type for form a unique key. The 2 keys are listed with each vuln/finding under asset and then listed again as a matching pair in the this section along with additional information. 
scanner_type string Yes Identifies the scanner the data came from. Paired with scanner_identifier to form a unique key (see above). 
cve_identifiers string   Comma delimited list with format CVE-000-0000. Only one set of identifiers will be saved per vuln_def.
wasc_identifiers string   Comma delimited list with format WASC-00. Only one set of identifiers will be saved per vuln_def.
cwe_identifiers string   Comma delimited list with format CWE-000. Only one set of identifiers will be saved per vuln_def.
name string Conditional Title or short name of the vulnerability and is used as the vuln/finding display value if CVE/CWE/WASC not provided.
description string   Full description of the vulnerability.
solution string   Steps or links for remediation.


Data Importer Version 1 Example:

Here is an example of a minimal generated Data Importer version 1 file that is ready to import into Cisco Vulnerability Management.

 "skip_autoclose": false,
 "assets": [
    "url": "",
"external_id": "123",
    "tags": [
      "Find_type:Internal Reporter"
    "vulns": [],
    "findings": [
      "scanner_type": "PenTestA",
      "scanner_identifier": "PSRC-7783",
      "created_at": "2020-06-12-00:00:00",
      "severity": 3,
      "last_seen_at": "2020-06-27-12:19:18",
      "triage_state": "new",
      "additional_fields": {
        "line_number": "156",
        "source_file": "testfolder/testfile.rb"
    "ec2": "i-02aadcccfda719968",
    "ip_address": "",
    "priority": 9,
    "tags": [
    "vulns": [
      "scanner_type": "AWS Inspector",
      "scanner_identifier": "aws-vuln-id-1",
      "created_at": "2018-11-10-18:08:57",
      "last_seen_at": "2018-11-10-18:08:57",
      "status": "open"
      "scanner_type": "AWS Inspector",
      "scanner_identifier": "aws-vuln-id-2",
      "created_at": "2018-11-10-18:08:57",
      "last_seen_at": "2018-11-10-18:08:57",
      "status": "open"
      "scanner_type": "AWS Inspector",
      "scanner_identifier": "aws-vuln-id-3",
      "created_at": "2018-11-10-18:08:57",
      "details": "some details about how CVE-2018-10853 and CVE-2018-18074 are impacting asset",
      "last_seen_at": "2018-11-10-18:08:57",
      "status": "open"
  "vuln_defs": [
    "scanner_identifier": "aws-vuln-id-1",
    "scanner_type": "AWS Inspector",
    "cve_identifiers": "CVE-2018-17456",
    "name": "Name of vulnerability involving CVE-2018-17456",
    "description": "Description of vuln involving CVE-2018-17456",
    "solution": "Do something good to fix CVE-2018-17456"
    "scanner_identifier": "aws-vuln-id-2",
    "scanner_type": "AWS Inspector",
    "cve_identifiers": "CVE-2018-6555",
    "name": "Name of vulnerability involving CVE-2018-6555",
    "description": "Description of vuln involving CVE-2018-6555",
    "solution": "Do something good to fix CVE-2018-6555"
    "scanner_identifier": "aws-vuln-id-3",
    "scanner_type": "AWS Inspector",
    "cve_identifiers": "CVE-2018-10853, CVE-2018-18074",
    "name": "Name of vulnerability involving CVE-2018-10853, CVE-2018-18074",
    "description": "Description of vuln involving CVE-2018-10853, CVE-2018-18074"
    "scanner_identifier": "PSRC-7783",
    "scanner_type": "PenTestA",
    "cwe_identifiers": "CWE-200",
    "name": "Name of vulnerability involving CWE-200",
    "description": "Description of vuln involving CWE-200"


Create a  Data Importer JSON formatted file.

Setting up a Data Importer Connector in Cisco Vulnerability Management

1. In the Cisco Vulnerability Management UI, click Connectors.
2. Click Add Connector.
3. Click Data Importer.
4.  On the Data Importer page, enter the following information.
Name: Enter a name for the connector, or leave it as Data Importer.
Asset Inactivity Limit: Enter a time in days for the connector level asset inactivity limit.
5. Click Save.
6. In the list of Connectors , click Upload and Run to select the JSON file that you created and upload it.
Wait while the file uploads.
Note: Failure messages are stored in the connector's page.
Once uploaded, you should see the assets and vulnerabilities begin to populate.
To upload the file via the API, click on the connector name to get the Connector ID for your new connector.
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