Creating Zendesk Credentials

Why do I need Zendesk Credentials?

Having credentials for Zendesk allows for two main use cases: full access to our Help Center and Support ticket management. The Help Center has both publicly available content and content that is gated. To see the gated content you need to create login credentials. Once logged into Zendesk, you can also submit support tickets as well as view all tickets you have submitted and their current status.

How do I create Credentials?

Navigate to the Help Center and click SIGN IN. A login window appears. This is how you access the Help Center in the future. To create a new account, click the Sign up link.


Complete the sign up form that displays. This generates a welcome email.




Once you sign up and are signed in, you will be able to access help articles directly from the Cisco Vulnerability Management Platform. Just click on “Contact Support” from the Settings menu and start typing search terms in the box that pops up.

Password Reset

If you forget your password, you can reset it from the Help Center login window.

Click the Forgot my password link. A new password set up window displays.


Enter your email address and click Submit.

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