Cisco Vulnerability Management Support Resources

By submitting a clear and accurate support ticket, you are helping the Support team identify the issue you have encountered, where you have encountered it, and more. This information can greatly reduce the time it takes to resolve the issue.

The Support team can handle detailed, clearly-written requests more quickly and efficiently in comparison to requests that are obscure or lack the necessary information and specific steps to reproduce the issue.

Before Submitting a Support Ticket

Cisco Vulnerability Management has multiple resources available to assist you in solving an issue without enlisting the help of Support. We find that many of the support tickets logged are resolved by a simple search through the documentation.

This article outlines all of the resources available to you, which you can search before contacting us and saving yourself time. These are the same resources we use to answer many of your support tickets.

Here are some of the key resources Cisco Vulnerability Management makes available to you:

Help Center 

The search function on the Help Center helps you discover a vast array of help articles using keyword(s). This should always be your first stop when you encounter any issue. You can also submit a request or sign in to view your existing tickets from the Help Center.

Cisco Vulnerability Management Resources 

Here, you can find articles, case studies and white papers. These resources contain valuable information such as the data science behind the scenes, current topics in the vulnerability management world, and helpful pointers for improving your vulnerability management program.

API Documentation 

For users who prefer to use APIs over UIs, the Cisco Vulnerability Management API documentation page outlines the many things you can do with the API. Capabilities are continually being adding here, so check back often. You can use the Changelog to quickly see what's new in the API.

Public Cisco Community Security Space

In the public community, you can do the following:

  • Search forums and information under a variety of Security topics

  • Connect with other Cisco Vulnerability Management customers, and a broader group of Cisco Secure Customers

  • Participate in discussion forums to ask questions and learn from your peers 

Cisco Customer Community 

To learn more about the communities and how to join them, go to The Cisco Community.

Cisco YouTube Channel 

The Cisco YouTube channel is a great source for short videos on what Cisco Vulnerability Management does.

Cisco Vulnerability Management Website

Our website provides you detailed information around the products available, along with interesting information on our customers, contact information, and other general company details.

Couldn’t Find It?

If you have exhausted the above options, it is likely you need to log a support ticket. Refer to the Submit a Sensational Support Ticket article for further assistance. The Support team is happy to assist you.

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