If you’re looking to get assets, vulns, or metadata into the Cisco Vulnerability Management platform without using one of the established connectors, there are 4 options for you to use:
- The Data Importer
- The Asset Updater script
- The Vuln Updater script
- The CSV Uploader
This table outlines the pros and cons for each as well as some best practices for each option.
Options for Getting Data into Cisco Vulnerability Management without a Connector
Best Practices
Data Importer – Assets and Vulns OR Assets Only
Link to Data Importer CSV to JSON Converter Script
Link to Data Importer Help Article
Most commonly used
Used when Cisco Vulnerability Management does not have a connector to bring in vulns, pentest findings, Application Security Module findings, etc.
Flexibility in mapping certain information to fields in Cisco Vulnerability Management such as details, solution, description etc.
Handles large bulk uploads at once
Option not to auto-close vulns when using for asset metadata
Supports tag prefixes
Supports adding a domain suffix appended to hostnames
Resets last_seen date on the asset
Creates assets it cannot find, which can affect your licensing
Cannot update custom fields
Bringing in additional vuln data from non-existing connectors
Tagging assets from another source, such as a cmdb (other than SNOW cmdb)
Prefixing tags in bulk
Best used for recurring updates to metadata as long as resetting the last_seen date is ok
Asset Updater Script – Assets only
Link to Asset Updater Script
Does not create unwanted assets
Does not update last_seen date on the asset
Supports tag prefixes
Is multi-threaded
Can customize matching with wildcards/code adjustments
Vuln Updater Script – Vulns Only
Link to Vuln Updater Script
Is multi-threaded
Can update vulns based on vuln ID, CVE, CWE, or results from IP or hostname search
Can update many vuln fields, including status, notes, custom fields and due dates
CSV Uploader
Link to CSV Uploader Help Page
Least used and not recommended where one of the previous options will do the job
Can create “fake” vulns
May create new assets if it can’t find a match
Inability to automate the upload
Will not auto-close vulns
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